Developing the capabilities of young people for the future

"World Youth Skills Day is dedicated to providing young people with the skills they need to find and keep good jobs and start their own businesses. Out-of-school youth can benefit from the work of the U.N. and its agencies, such as UNESCO-UNEVOC."

It was named World Youth Skills Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 to commemorate the strategic significance of providing young people with the skills they need to find and keep good jobs and start their own businesses. On World Youth Skills Day, all of these groups get together to talk about the challenges and opportunities facing young people in today's world, especially those who are pursuing technical or vocational training (TVET).

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts are being made to help the global economy recover while also addressing issues such as climate change, conflict, persistent poverty, rising inequality, rapid technological change, and demographic transition, among others. World Youth Skills Day 2022 will coincide with these efforts.

A number of groups, including young women and girls, individuals with disabilities, people from low-income families, people living in rural areas, indigenous peoples, and members of other marginalised groups, continue to be marginalised. There is also a lot of ambiguity about what skills and abilities will be sought when the epidemic is ended since the crisis has hastened a number of transformations in the workplace that were already taking place.

Out-of-school youth and those who aren't in school or training can benefit from the work of the United Nations and its agencies, such as UNESCO-UNEVOC, by lowering the barriers to employment, ensuring that skills acquired are recognised and certified, and providing educational and training opportunities (NEET). Young people's participation in global processes is essential throughout this decade of action towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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